Access to GPSMob data
Based on the information contained in the instrument follow-up database, the tables below list the missions performed with the instruments, classed by year. Other information in the tables is based on the information communicated to us, the type of measurement performed and whether the corresponding data are available.
Each mission has a data status:
- statut : the data have not yet been made available to the INSU by the mission leader.
- statut : the data have been, at least partially, made available to the INSU but have not been completely verified [1].
- statut : all the data have been made available to INSU and have been verified.
- statut : the mission did not produce any data (material borrowed for tests, mission stuck at customs, etc.). Missions of this type are not listed in the table below, but they still appear in the instrument follow-up database [2].
For each mission, the mission leader indicates whether he/she wishes the data to be made public. If yes, a link is created between the mission and its data.
The data for each mission are organised in several sub-folders :
- vrac (bulk) : contains exactly what was transmitted by the mission leader.
- raw : contains what was identified as the raw data, if provided.
- rinex : contains the rinex files, sometimes split by day, renamed in lower case and with the name of the most likely point in d.Z format.
- meta :contains all the other files (calculation configuration files, field journals, photos, etc.). The automatic verification procedure generates the and compte_rendu_de_traitement_insu.txt files
The most common imprecisions relate to :
- the mission leader: the person who reserved the equipment may not be the same person who manages the data, or may no longer be holding the data.
- the location of the mission: the given location often corresponds to the place to which the instruments were sent (e.g. a university in France), which is not necessarily where the measurements were taken.
- the type of measurement: this information, useful for those looking for data for their own scientific objectives, was not always recorded at the time of reservation of the equipment. By default, the most frequent type of measurement, “tectonic”, is attributed to each mission [3].
It should be noted that for missions performed prior to creation of the tool to track equipment use (autumn 2000), the information was entered into the database in autumn 2009 from the paper archives dating from the ‘90s. These paper archives clearly note reservations, but it is not always possible to determine whether the mission was actually completed. It is also likely that measurement campaigns decided on at almost the last minute to use the available, unreserved equipment were not recorded in the archives.
Please help us to improve the accuracy of the information that we provide.
[1] The automatic verification assumes tectonic-type measurements. Kinematic data, for example, cannot, for the moment, be labelled “verified”.
[2] In addition, colleagues have requested that INSU archive data from measurement campaigns not performed using the GNSS instruments provided by INSU. These missions are listed in the table on this website, but are not present in the follow-up table for instrument use.
[3] The initial value of this information is based on data extracted from the archives by Pierre Briole, former scientific coordinator of the pool of GNSS receivers.