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Tissandier, R., Nocquet, J. M., Klein, E., Vigny, C., Ojeda, J., & Ruiz, S. (2023). Afterslip of the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake Imaged Through a Time‐Dependent Inversion of Continuous and Survey GNSS Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(2), e2022JB024778.



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Jouanne, F., Munawar, N, Mugnier, J.L., Ahmed, A., Awan, A. A., Bascou, P., Vassallo, R., (2020). Seismic coupling quantified on inferred décollements beneath the western syntaxis of the Himalaya, Tectonics, 39, 9, e2020TC006122, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006122.

Reinoza, CE, Audemard, FA, Jouanne, F, Pousse-Beltrán, L.,Beck, C., (2020). Strain calculations of active tectonic blocks in northeastern Venezuela from GNSS analysis, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 102, 102661, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102661

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Bonnefond, P., Exertier, P., Laurain, O., Guinle, T., Féménias, P. (2019) Corsica: A 20-Yr Multi-Mission Absolute Altimeter Calibration Site, Advances in Space Research, Special Issue « 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry », doi : 10.1016/j.asr.2019.09.049.

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Khorrami, F., Vernant, P., Masson, F., Nilfouroushan, F., Mousavi, Z., Nankali, H., et al. (2019). An up-to-date crustal deformation map of Iran using integrated campaign-mode and permanent GPS velocities. Geophys. J. Int., 217(2), 832–843. http://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz045.

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Masson, C., Mazzotti, S., Vernant, P., & Doerflinger, E. (2019). Extracting small deformation beyond individual station precision from dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) networks in France and western Europe. Solid Earth, 10(6), 1905–1920. http://doi.org/10.5194/se-10-1905-2019.

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Masson, C., Vernant, P., Mazzotti, Mazzotti, S., Khazaradze ,G. (2019). How to explain the present-day deformation in France: In the mountain ranges (Alps and Pyrenees) and outside. Constraints from a new analysis of GNSS data.EGU General Assembly



Cortes-Aranda, J ; Vassallo, R; Jomard, H ; Pousse-Beltran, L; Astudillo, L ; Mugnier, JL; Jouanne, F; Malik, M ; Carcaillet, J. (2018)  Late quaternary out-of-sequence deformation in the innermost Kangra Reentrant, NW Himalaya of India: Seismic potential appraisal from Be-10 dated fluvial terraces. J. Asian Earth Sci., 158, 140-152.

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Tammaro, U., Riccardi, U., Masson, F.,Capuano, P., Boy, J.P., 2018. Atmospheric Precipitable Water in Somma-Vesuvius Area During Extreme Weather Events from Ground-Based GPS Measurements, in: Freymueller J.T., Sánchez L. (eds) International Symposium on Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Springer, 147, 293-302.


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Nocquet, J. M., Jarrin, P., Vallée, M., Mothes, P. A., Grandin, R., Rolandone, F., Delouis, B., Yepes, H., Font, Y., Fuentes, D., Régnier, M., Laurendeau, A., Cisneros, D., Hernandez, S., Sladen, A., Singaucho, J.C., Mora, H., Gomez, J., Montes, L. & Charvis, P. (2017). Supercycle at the Ecuadorian subduction zone revealed after the 2016 Pedernales earthquake. Nature Geoscience, 10, 145-149.


Khorrami, F., Masson, F.,Nilfouroushan, F., Vernant, P., Saadat, S., Nankali, H., Hosseini, S., Aghamohamadi, A., An up-to-date GPS velocity field of Iran, EGU Meeting, Vienna, 2017.

Masson F.,E. Klein, F. Rembert, M. Peyret, Z. Duputel, P. Ulrich, Lateral variations of the behavior of the North Anatolian Fault from the Marmara Sea to the Karliova Triple Junction using geodetic data, AGU Meeting, Nouvelle Orléans, 2017.

Dalaison M., E. Saria, E. Calais, C. Doubre, F. Masson, Present-day Opening of the Natron Rift: Tectonic and Magmatic Processes at Work, AGU Meeting, Nouvelle Orléans, 2017

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Marechal, A., S. Mazzotti, R. Cattin, G. Cazes, P. Vernant, D. Drukpa, K. Thinley, A. Tarayoun, R. Le Roux-Mallouf, B.B. Thapa, P. Pelgay, J. Gyeltshen, E. Doerflinger, S. Gautier (2016). Evidence of interseismic coupling variations along the Bhutan Himalayan arc from new GPS data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL071163.

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Villegas‐Lanza, J. C., Chlieh, M., Cavalié, O., Tavera, H., Baby, P., Chire‐Chira, J., & Nocquet, J. M. (2016). Active tectonics of Peru: Heterogeneous interseismic coupling along the Nazca megathrust, rigid motion of the Peruvian Sliver, and Subandean shortening accommodation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(10), 7371-7394.

Villegas-Lanza, J. C., Nocquet, J. M., Rolandone, F., Vallée, M., Tavera, H., Bondoux, F., Tran, T., Martin, X. & Chlieh, M. (2016). A mixed seismic-aseismic stress release episode in the Andean subduction zone. Nature Geoscience, 9, 150-154, doi:10.1038/ngeo2620.


Riccardi, U., Tammaro, U., Boy, J.P., Masson, F.,Capuano, P., Precipitable water vapour contents at “local” scale: a comparative study on GNSS-derived data versus modelled ones from ECMWF operational models, EGU Meeting, Vienna, 2016

Smittarello, D., Grandin, R., de Chabalier, J.B., Doubre, C., Deprez, A., Masson, F.,Socquet, A., Transient deformation in the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Djibouti) since the 1978 diking event: Is deformation controlled by magma supply rates? AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 2016.


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Rigo A., Vernant P., Feigl K.L., Goula X., Khazaradze G., Talaya J., Morel L., Nicolas J., Baize S., Chéry J. & Sylvander M., 2015. Present-day deformation of the Pyrenees revealed by GPS surveying and earthquake focal mechanisms until 2011, Geophys. J. Int., 201, 947-964.

Walpersdorf, A., C. Sue, S. Baize, N. Cotte, P. Bascou, C. Beauval, P. Collard, G. Daniel, H. Dyer, J.-R. Grasso, O. Hautecoeur, A. Helmstetter, S. Hok, M. Langlais, G. Menard, Z. Mousavi, F. Ponton, M. Rizza, L. Rolland, D. Souami, L. Thirard, P. Vaudey, C. Voisin, and J. Martinod, 2015. Coherence between geodetic and seismic deformation in a context of slow tectonic activity (SW Alps, France), J. Geodyn., Vol. 85, pp 58-65, 10.1016/j.jog.2015.02.001.


Alvarado, A., Audin, L., Nocquet, J. M., Lagreulet, S., Segovia, M., Font, Y., & Quidelleur, X. (2014). Active tectonics in Quito, Ecuador, assessed by geomorphological studies, GPS data, and crustal seismicity. Tectonics, 33(2), 67-83.

Beauval, C., H. Yepes, A. Alvarado, L. Audin, J.-M. Nocquet, D. Monelli & L. Danciu, 2014. Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Quito, estimates and uncertainties, Seismological Research Letters, 85(6), 1316-1327.

Brenot, H., Walpersdorf, A., Reverdy, M., van Baelen, J., Ducrocq, V., Champollion, C., Masson, F., Doerflinger, E., Collard, P., Giroux, P., 2014. A GPS network for tropospheric tomography in the framework of the Mediterranean hydrometeorological observatory Cévennes-Vivarais (south-eastern France), AMT, 11/2013 6(6) :9515-9578.

Chlieh, M., Mothes, P. A., Nocquet, J. M., Jarrin, P., Charvis, P., Cisneros, D., & Yepes, H. (2014). Distribution of discrete seismic asperities and aseismic slip along the Ecuadorian megathrust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 292-301.

Ferenc, M. Nicolas, J., van Dam, T., Polidori, L., Rigo, A. & Vernant, P., 2014. An estimate of the influence of loading effects on tectonic velocities in the Pyrenees, Studia Geophysica and Geodaeticae, 58(1), 56-75.

Jouanne F., Awan A., Pêcher A., Kausar A. , Mugnier J. L. , Khan I., Khan N. A. and Van Melle J. (2014). Present-day deformation of northern Pakistan from Salt Ranges to Karakorum Ranges, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010776.

Masson, F., Lehujeur, M., Ziegler, Y., Doubre, C., 2014. Strain rate tensor in Iran from a new GPS velocity field, Geophys. J. Int., 197, 10–21.

Métois, M., Vigny, C., Socquet, A., Delorme, A., Morvan, S., Ortega, I., & Valderas-Bermejo, C. M. (2014). GPS-derived interseismic coupling on the subduction and seismic hazards in the Atacama region, Chile. Geophysical Journal International, 196(2), 644-655.

Nocquet, J. M., Villegas-Lanza, J. C., Chlieh, M., Mothes, P. A., Rolandone, F., Jarrin, P., & Yepes, H. (2014). Motion of continental slivers and creeping subduction in the northern Andes. Nature Geoscience, 7(4), 287-291.

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Ruiz, S., M. Metois, A. Fuenzalida, J. Ruiz, F. Leyton, R. Grandin, C. Vigny, R. Madariaga and J. Campos. 2014. Intense foreshocks and a slow slip event preceded the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 earthquake. Science, doi:10.1126/science.1256074.

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Berthet T., György Hetényi, Rodolphe Cattin, Soma Nath Sapkota, Cédric Champollion, Thakur Kandel, Erik Doerflinger, Dowchu Drukpa, Sarah Lechmann and Mickael Bonnin (2013); Lateral uniformity of India Plate strength over central and eastern Nepal Geophys. J. Int., 195 (3): 1481-1493, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt357

Deprez, A., Doubre, C., Masson, F., Ulrich, P., 2013. Seismic and aseismic deformation along the East African Rift System from a reanalysis of the GPS velocity field of Africa, Geophys. J. Int., 193, 1353-1369.

Hammer, P., T. Berthet, G. Hetényi, R. Cattin, D. Drukpa, J. Chophel, S. Lechmann, N. Le Moigne, C. Champollion, and E. Doerflinger (2013), Flexure of the India plate underneath the Bhutan Himalaya, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 4225-4230doi:10.1002/grl.50793.

Karakhanian, A., P. Vernant, E. Doerflinger, A. Avagyan; H. Philip; I. R. Aslanyan; C. Champollion; P. Collard; M. Peyret; V. Davtyan; E. Calais; F. Masson, 2013. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Armenian region and Lesser Caucasus, Tectonophysics, 592, 39-45

Lin, Y. N. N., Sladen, A., Ortega‐Culaciati, F., Simons, M., Avouac, J. P., Fielding, E. J., … & Vigny, C. (2013). Coseismic and postseismic slip associated with the 2010 Maule Earthquake, Chile: Characterizing the Arauco Peninsula barrier effect. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(6), 3142-3159.

Mahmoud, Y., Masson, F., Meghraoui, M., Cakir, Z.. Alchalbi, A., Yavasoglu, H., Yönlü, O., Daoud, M., Ergintav, S., Inan, S, 2013. Kinematic study at the junction of the East Anatolian fault and the Dead Sea fault from GPS measurements, J. of Geod., 67, 30-39.

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Métois, M., Socquet, A., Vigny, C., Carrizo, D., Peyrat, S., Delorme, A., … & Ortega, I. (2013). Revisiting the North Chile seismic gap segmentation using GPS-derived interseismic coupling. Geophysical Journal International, 194(3), 1283-1294.

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Rizza, M., Vernant, P., Ritz, J. F., Peyret, M., Nankali, H., Nazari, H., Djamour, Y., Salamati, R., Tavakoli, F., Chéry, J., Mahan, S.N., Masson, F., 2013. Morphotectonic and geodetic evidence for a constant slip-rate over the last 1 45 kyr along the Tabriz Fault (Iran), Geophys. J. Int., 193, 1083-1094.

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